Saturday, January 20, 2007

Adulthood Knocking At The Door

We always have a choice between good and bad, right and wrong.. and as time passes, the choices stay the same but we complicate it by saying what is logical and what is not.. what is it that we want to do and what not.. what might our friends say or might not say at all...!! And what makes our life tick, what differentiates Donald Trump from a regular salesman are the choices each of us opt for.

A friend of mine called me in tears one day, telling me how she was fed up with life, with the monotony and the can of worms that is in store for us and me being logical, explained to her the bigger picture that she needs to look at. And as I tried to console her, a realisation about life came seeping into me.

We always have the option of seeing how dreadful our life is, but then again, how many times are we grateful for all the good times, for all the little things which we don't even consider, not realising how our life would be incomplete without them. What is hard, is remembering all this when you are down in the dumps and everything ahead looking blurred and uncertain.
And AGAIN we have the option of letting things be, giving it 'time' OR we push aside the issues at hand and learn from the not-so-good experiences and make each and every one of them a reason to become stronger.

Scary is what life gets from the major issue in our life being getting permission to be out of the house for just another hour to suddenly deciding about the career we want to choose which will stay with us for a lifetime. And we never are alone in all this, we have a lot of advice coming our way but we don't like listening, because we know best..!! But when things don't turn out to be as planned, how lonely we feel...!!

Looking back at the last few years, I now wonder how different I would have been and the person I could have been if only sensiblity prevailed over supernumerary wants. The importance of time and people is realised by most after a slight blow or a reality check which could be harsh alright but when these instances do happen, a person can grow within moments and according to me, a person is lucky to have these set backs of sorts at an early age so that as you age on, you have a perspective, have a mind of your own and most importantly, you have something that defines you and this may not even be realised by you..!!

But at the end of all this, it IS easier said than done. Logic, the beautiful and sensible word that it is, has mastered the art of eluding the person who needs it the most and in my short little life, I know that logic is a skill that needs to be mastered..!!