Friday, September 11, 2009

The Secret - Complete Cruiser

My mother had the famous book "The Secret" lying with for a long time and kept telling me to read it. All I said to her was that it just wasn't my cup of tea, and it really wasn't. I'm more the type who's read everything from Sidney Sheldon to the Twilight saga, with favourites going back to The Thorn Birds. Fiction and even management books like Tipping Point are my "thing."

Things weren't going so well in my personal life and I was an emotional wreck. My mother one day forced me to open a random page of the book and just read it a little and well, I did. After that, there was no looking back.

For the ones who've heard of the book, they would know that the book is based on the "law of attraction". What caught me was this one page that I opened at random which spoke about how when things are feeling down and out, it's you who needs to pull yourself back into a positive frame of mind. There is no one else who can do that for you.

I closed the book at this reference and thought to myself of all the times my friends and I might have gone clubbing and one of us didn't seem to be in the mood for a party because of some hassle somewhere.
Many a time, I have seen people (including myself) think that if I simply get drunk, I'm going to forget about everything and have a good time. And well, they do have a good time.

Fact is that alcohol does not make people happy. After all, we have come across enough of the 'Devdas' type, whose whining becomes worse with every sip. So no, alcohol is obviously not "it." But drinking has still helped many of us in one of those moods. However, I realised, it wasn't the alcohol that did the trick, it's how we tell ourselves and convince ourselves that this WILL help. We WILL be in a jolly mood after this. I let this analogy sink into me.

That is when I knew this book is really saying something. To get the absolute gist of things, this books is a must read. Actually, it's not just a read, take your time with it, let every word sink in.

This book wasn't my cup of tea, just like it might not be for many of you, but books like these are hard to come by.

I strongly recommend anyone and everyone from anywhere to get this book today!